Share:FacebookTwitteremailTumblrPinterestI’ve begun being a little more open in some of the indie author circles on Facebook and other social media in regards to how much of a grind it is to be an indie artist (be it creative or performing). I figured now was as good a time as any to put some actual hard …
Category: Self-Publishing
May 10
Now presenting: Toonopolis, the Blog’s Books for Boys reviews!
Share:FacebookTwitteremailTumblrPinterestI am excited to announce that I have added a new feature to my blog: book reviews. Here is a quick explanation as to why I am doing this from my new Books for Boys review page: “While searching for book blogs for submitting my own works, I realized that the majority of middle grade/young adult blogs …
Mar 16
Blowing the dust off my writer hat.
Share:FacebookTwitteremailTumblrPinterestMy blog has been neglected. My Facebook fan page has gone fallow. My twitter feed is mostly about my stay-at-home dad and geek hats. My writer hat has been sitting in a closet collecting dust since the whirlwind of 2010-2011 when I was more productive as a writer than I have ever been in my …
May 16
Because Who Wants To Create A NEW Market? (Self-Published By Choice)
Share:FacebookTwitteremailTumblrPinterestYesterday evening, I received an email from my friend and fellow indie author Terri Giuliano Long. She asked in support helping spread the word of her new Huffington Post piece entitled “Sticks and Stones: The Changing Politics of the Self-Publishing Stigma” (link TBA when post is up). It is cross-posted to, though, so can …
Jun 28
Bestseller For A Day – Dollars & Sense
Share:FacebookTwitteremailTumblrPinterestWhen I talk to people about the modicum of success I have had as an indie published author, they often ask me about the hardest part of the process. The writing? Nah, I’m pretty good at that. The publishing? That took a lot of work and research but I was able to figure it …
May 25
Blog Tour de Troops/eBook Giveaways
Share:FacebookTwitteremailTumblrPinterestI am proud to announce that I have signed up to be part of the Blog Tour de Troops, an Indie Book Collective event. I am one of over 30 indie authors who will be giving away free copies of my eBook this Memorial Day weekend as a part of a four-day blog hop. The …
May 19
Appearances Upcoming & Preordering Gemini.
Share:FacebookTwitteremailTumblrPinterestI knew May was going to be a busy month, but I didn’t realize how fast it was going to hit me. All of the ducks are lined up and everything is set for the May 30th release of Toonopolis: Gemini. If you would like to preorder either the hardcover or paperback versions, you can …
May 12
It Is Suddenly Real!
Share:FacebookTwitteremailTumblrPinterestAs I showed a picture of the proof copies of the books to my illustrator, Cami, her response was great: “This just became real somehow.” I felt the same way yesterday when I finally had a printed copy of the book in my hands. Lightning Source did a wonderful job on the printing and the …
Apr 22
Toonopolis YouTube Videos
Share:FacebookTwitteremailTumblrPinterestWith much pleasure, I would like to unveil four videos that I have created to help promote the book as we near the May 30th release date. The first one is a comic book style book trailer that introduces some of the characters and basic plot. It can be found here: The final three are …
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