Bestseller For A Day – Dollars & Sense

When I talk to people about the modicum of success I have had as an indie published author, they often ask me about the hardest part of the process.  The writing?  Nah, I’m pretty good at that.  The publishing?   That took a lot of work and research but I was able to figure it out.  The marketing?  Woah, now there’s a step I forgot to factor in my initial plans.

I was very lucky to meet a few amazing women: Carolyn McCray, Amber Scott, and Rachel Thompson, the founders Indie Book Collective. You may recall them from my Blog Tour de Force participation over Memorial Day Weekend.  I have learned so much from these women that I find it hard to explain exactly all of the lessons they have taught me about social networking, branding, return on investment, and so much more.  Well, guess what?  NOW I DON’T HAVE TO!

They wrote a book that covers all three of the major steps: writing, publishing, and marketing.  I, personally, needed the marketing more than the other two, but I also learned a lot about the first two steps that would have saved me a ton of time during the writing and publishing of Toonopolis: Gemini that makes me wish I had this book before I even started writing.

Right now, the book is the centerpiece of the Indie Book Collective’s Bestseller For A Day campaign and is promotionally priced at 99cents.  I highly suggest you pick it up immediately for two reasons: 1.) You can start implementing their techniques immediately and 2.) It won’t stay 99cents forever.  The knowledge imparted by these three individual Kindle bestselling authors is worth WAY more than a dollar.

To give some concrete examples of how their tutelage has helped me: my Klout score has risen from 48 to 61 since I met them, my Twitter followers have grown from 40 to 550+, my Facebook page has doubled in fans, and my sales have improved.  BUY THIS BOOK! As a bonus, you can also get their 3 bestselling eBooks for 99cents as well.  Awesome. 🙂




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  1. I’d get it, but I’d never get it on Amazon. I have a really big problem with their proprietary formatting.

    1. I see. Amazon, though, is great for us as publishers. Their internal ranking and recommendation system naturally increases sales. No one else comes even close to helping us sell with cross-promotion and rankings.

    • Elena Gray on June 29, 2011 at 1:59 pm
    • Reply

    This book seriously rocks! It was a complete eye opener for me! Since my book is still a WIP, I had no clue what to do next. It’s now my #authorsguide
    The IBC as a whole is an amazing network of authors, readers and reviewers and I’m glad to be a part of it! It truly changed the way that I looked at Indie Authors. I hadn’t read an Indie Book until I found IBC.

    1. Elena… they made me talk proudly about being an indie author instead of feeling sheepish about it. The stigma is is that indie authors couldn’t make it past the gate-keepers of the publishing industry. I feel now that I wouldn’t even take a pub deal even if it was offered to me at this point. I control my own destiny and don’t have anyone else telling me how to change my work. My work is always my work now.

  2. Thank you so much for all your support, Jeremy. I can’t wait to see your books top the charts, too, hopefully with the help of tips in this book and of course, all us IBC-ers backin’ your game.

    1. Wait, can’t I just ride your coattails to the promised land, Amber? 😉

  3. Wait up for me, guys! 🙂 Seriously – this is a phenomenal book. Packed with information – I learned SO much! Thank you, Amber, Rachel and Carolyn!

  4. I started reading this last night and it’s amazing! They go into so much detail on what it takes to be a successful author in today’s market. It’s not a book of broad statements, but rather a step by step guide to move your book from your computer drive to a polished top selling novel.

  5. A top notch super rich guide to the world of Self Publishing – need I say more! Well done and thank you!

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