Series: UnCommon Anthologies #5
Published by: Fighting Monkey Press
Release Date: August 22, 2017
Contributors: Jeremy Rodden, P. K. Tyler, Daniel Arthur Smith, Michael J.P. Whitmer, Chris Godsoe, Tom O'Brien, E E Giorgi, Kenneth Robbins, Roslyn Cay, Jon Etter, Brent Meske, Michael K. Schaefer, Anne Skinner, Bey Deckard, Shebat Legion, Tausha Johnson, Ashleigh Gauch
Genre: Anthology, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Pages: 338
ISBN13: 978-1548887247
Add on GoodreadsUnCommon Lands presents 20 unique depictions of fantastic places and alien landscapes. These stories of the human (and inhuman) experience transcend time and place and will transport you to worlds you’ve never imagined. Including new and veteran voices, our UnCommon Authors bring you stories which span multiple genres, but hold together on a framework of quality storytelling and a solid theme. UnCommon Lands reminds us that where we are from isn’t as important as where we are going.
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