UnCommon Evil

Title: UnCommon Evil
Series: UnCommon Anthologies #6
Published by: Fighting Monkey Press
Release Date: February 20, 2018
Contributors: Jeremy Rodden, Tom O'Brien, Tausha Johnson, Robert Allen Lupton, Joriah Wood, Anne Skinner, Annetta Ribken, J. Edward Neill, Bill Hargenrader, Rose Strickman, Joshua Ingle, Harlow C. Fallon, John Haas, R.A. Goli, Jonathan Cromack, W. Jesse Gulbrandsen, Stephen Lomer, Rhoads Brazos, Jeremy Megargee, Caroline A. Gill
Genre: ,
Pages: 342
ISBN13: 978-1980332299

UnCommon Evil brings you 20 of the most horrifying stories our deviant authors' minds can conceive. From the monster under your bed, to the very real reason for that oily sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, our UnCommon Authors bring you a whole new way of looking at the true nature of evil.

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