Having just finished up tallying the overwhelming responses from the Blog Tour de Troops this past weekend, I am so amazed and proud of the response that the 35 of us on the tour received. Each of us received well over 100 unique respondents to our posts, meaning that approximately 4,000 books were earned for the troops by those of you that commented the past four days.
A discussion started yesterday amongst the authors and pretty much all of us have decided that we need to increase our reward to the troops because of the sheer volume of people who participated. Most (possibly all) of us have decided to up the amount of books we are donating to the troops to reward them and try to really show how much you all appreciate them. Some authors are donating copies of their entire back-list instead of just the one book they were promoting. Others, like me, will just increase the ratio from 1:1 to 3:1 or 4:1.
The end result is that we expect to send at least 10,000 eBooks to troops as a result of this. Here’s hoping we can allow our brave men and women at least a few hours of escapism while they risk their lives serving their country. Tour organizer, Amber, is also trying to see if some of the books can go to our wounded veterans in hospitals here in the States as well.
To end, I want to say thank you. Keep an eye on the Indie Book Collective for upcoming events and to follow the amazing authors that you’ve met the last four days. Also, I responded to every post made here on Toonopolis, The Blog so feel free to continue our awesome cartoon conversations if you want.
You want to ride another ride? For a good time, visit The Carnival In My Mind at http://www.robbibryant.blogspot.com.
Heh, I’ll have to ask my wife first. 😉