Published by: Vampyrical Lyrical
Release Date: November 25, 2013
Contributors: Jeremy Rodden, Jodie Pierce, Ronald Griffin, T.G. Reaper, Mark Mackey, Gabrielle Lee Hughes, Laurie Treacy, Andrea Stanet, David Bennett
Genre: Anthology, Fantasy, Supernatural
Pages: 284
ISBN13: 978-1494268794
Add on GoodreadsWild Cards is a book dedicated to Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers with a Supernatural/Paranormal flare. You will find a variety of stories so it won’t be hard to find something you and your children will like. From stories about the Grim Reaper, a dragon rider, three wishes, a witch, a man without a face, a house on a haunted street, the making of a villain and much more there is plenty for everyone. 100% of this books proceeds will go to The National Children’s Cancer Center. This book is all about the kids!
Buy the Book: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Indiebound